Videos series DEEPICE Stories : Insights into Ice & Climate, a new educational resource on ices cores

Did you know that ancient ice can reveal to us how the climate has evolved in the past ? And also help us predict the future climate ?

Discover the video series "DEEPICE stories - Insights into ice & climate" created in collaboration with the 15 doctoral students of the European research project DEEPICE.


What is an ice core ? Why and how do we drill ice cores in Antarctica ? How do we study them ?
What can they reveal to us about past climate ? How is it useful for the future ?

Dive into the science of ice cores through these 15 educational capsules of 3 minutes, where young DEEPICE researchers will answer all these questions.

Designed as an educational resource available to all, this series is aimed at high school students and their teachers as well as the general public.

Find the series on the DEEPICE YouTube channel. Subtitles in French, Spanish, Italian, and English are available.

The videos are also downloadable with integrated French subtitles here :


To learn more about the DEEPICE European project :

Writing : DEEPICE PhD students
Coordination : Marie Kazeroni (LSCE-CNRS)
Direction : Dorothée Adam-Mazard (Inuaprod) & Marie Kazeroni (LSCE-CNRS)
Editing : Thomas d’Aram
Motion Design : Pauline Fuchs
Co-production : DEEPICE & Inuaprod

This series has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 955750.