Séminaire IGE

Leverage points and pathways for scaling nature-based adaptation solutions to climate change

vendredi 22 septembre 2023 - 13h30
Enora Bruley - 
Societies lag in addressing climate change impacts on social-ecological systems. Despite ambitious goals and policies, adaptation efforts remain insufficient compared to the rapid pace of climate change. Nature-based adaptation Solutions (NbaS) are emerging as holistic approach, addressing climate change, biodiversity, and well-being challenges. While NbaS are increasingly implemented to enhance local adaptation, they remain mostly isolated, which stresses the need to develop pathways to rapidly scale NbaS. We hypothesize that current decision contexts do not generally support NbaS implementors in their scaling strategies. We propose an empirical and place-based study in the French Alps, using mixed qualitative methods (policy and strategy document analysis, interviews and workshops with NbaS experts), to explore a potential pathway to foster a decision context for scaling NbaS. To characterize this context and the pathway to achieve it, we identified the main leverage points, their underpinning levers, and their interactions. An enabling context was described during workshops, including external factors (policy, governance, funding, societal norms) and internal factors (knowledge, skills, values) that could support scaling strategies. To progress towards this enabling context, six main leverage points were identified regarding knowledge production and sharing, values and perception, local governance, supportive policies, financial support, and landscape planning culture. Our results suggest that activating these leverage points simultaneously can unlock synergies for effective NbaS scaling. However, this entails many challenges because of the diversity of actors with different objectives, values and power, and the different institutional scales and timescales.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Lliboutry, IGE Glaciologie, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

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