Séminaire IGE

Topoclimatic specificity of mountain areas faced to the risk of drought – case study in the Swiss Alps

vendredi 26 mai 2023 - 13h30
Judith Eeckman - Université de Lausanne
Alpine regions are particularly exposed to climate change. However, these territories have a specificity in the face of the risk of climatic and hydrological droughts. Indeed, complex mountain topographies significantly influence local climatologies. A precise estimate of the effects of sites influencing temperatures then makes it possible to better determine the climatic variables on a fine scale. In addition, alpine soils, which are generally poorly consolidated (morainic deposits), can induce significant delays in flows and significantly influence discharge during low water periods. In particular, snowmelt is particularly conducive to slow infiltration into soils. A better description of the link between snowmelt and soil infiltration processes can then lead to a better understanding of a drought risk induced by a soil reserve deficit. The naturel reserve of the Vallon de Nant  (Switzerland), instrumented within the framework of various projects within the Faculty of Geosciences of the University of Lausanne represents a case study for this work. The instrumental set-up deployed to monitor the infiltration of the snowmelt flow in this valley is presented. Judith Eeckman is an engineer in applied mathematics and computer science (Grenoble INP) and a geographer. She obtained a doctorate in hydro-climatology at the Hydrosciences laboratory in Montpellier in 2017. Her PhD thesis focused on a characterization of hydro-climatic systems of small high mountain watersheds in the Everest region. Her post-doctoral works (at CNRM and IMFT) focused on improving the parameterization of transfers in soils for the simulation of flash floods in the mediterranean context. As part of her work at the University of Lausanne, Judith conducts research on the characterization of the drought hazard on the scale of the Vaudois Alps, in particular focusing on the contribution of alpine soils to the hydrological cycle.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Lliboutry, IGE Glaciologie, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

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