Séminaire IGE

Présentations des candidat·e·s aux concours IRD

vendredi 10 février 2023 - 13h30
Candidat·e·s aux concours IRD - 
13:30-14:400 - Amen Al-Yari, Uncovering the structure, dynamics and impacts of humid HEATwaves across AFRIca under present and future climate Heatwaves (HW), the occurrence of extremely high temperature over a prolonged period, have been identified to cause death, increase the risk of wildfire, and affect crop productivity. The occurrence of HW has been increasing in frequency, intensity and duration in the recent past climate and a robust increase in HW propoerties is projected in future climate scenarios. When accompanied by moist air, HW can be even more lethal. During such humid HW (HHW) events, the physiological mechanism that allows the human body to cool down through transpiration is impaired. Previous regional research on heat stress focused mainly on Europe, South Asia, and the Persian Gulf, even though global studies also identify sub-Saharan Africa as a hotspot for heatwave extremes. Consequently, very little is known about HHW occurrence and impacts in Africa due to the lack of dense meteorological networks and a consistent reporting framework. This project aims to uncover the structure, dynamics and impacts of HHW across Africa under present and future climate, and to translate this knowledge into actionable information for disaster management agencies.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle de conférence MCP, IGE MCP, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :

Register here : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsceqhrD0rE9LnRevAzccRAYASR23LjNFt