Séminaire IGE

Interactive seminar to exchange on the publication culture

vendredi 10 mars 2023 - 13h30
Maurine Montagnat, Martin Ménégoz, Clara Burgard, Ignacio Palomo - IGE
In this interactive seminar, we will exchange on practices around scientific publications, predatory journals and open access. Join us for a lively discussion and a diversity of views! Programme: Open discussion + Input about (predatory) journals + Input from jury members about the importance of publications for the concours + Input on cultural differences in the publication culture.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Lliboutry, IGE Glaciologie, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :

Register here : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsceqhrD0rE9LnRevAzccRAYASR23LjNFt