Séminaire IGE

Non-smooth contact dynamics model of an articulated concrete blocks structure subjected to rockfall impact: definition and calibration

vendredi 13 janvier 2023 - 13h30
Ritesh Gupta - IGE
Will be in the Salle Ecrins at the INRAE building (2 rue de la Papeterie). The adequacy, durability and longevity of large and huge capital invested rockfall protection structures is vital for hazards mitigation. In this context, this work presents the numerical model of a new type of such structures, tested on-site, composed of reinforced concrete blocks piled up in a staggering pattern interconnected via the metallic components. Real-scale experiments revealed the intricacy of the response of these articulated structures to localized dynamic loading. This motivated the development of a numerical model for further investigations of their efficiency and performance optimization studies. The numerical model of this complex structure is developed using the SICONOS software based on the concept of Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics (NSCD). All features of the on-site experimental structure components are incorporated in the numerical model via specific developments pertinent to the modeling requirements in SICONOS. The geometrical parameters and the constituents properties are directly deployed from the experimental structure. Additional parameters particular to the numerical model are calibrated against the on-site measurements from two impact experiments using the stochastic analysis method namely Bayesian interface. Here, the polynomial chaos expansion-based meta-model of the NSCD model is used given the significant computational time of the NSCD model and the necessary requirement of a large number of computations for the stochastic analysis.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

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