Séminaire IGE

Attribution - Episode 1 - Unraveling Historical Climate Variability through Detection-Attribution Simulations

vendredi 26 janvier 2024 - 13h30
Guillaume Gastineau - LOCEAN-IPSL
The climate variability simulated in global atmosphere ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) can be decomposed into a forced and an internal component. The forced component arises from external forcings, including increased atmospheric greenhouse gases, changes in aerosol concentrations, and variations in solar incoming radiation. Detection-attribution simulations enable an exploration of the role of each external forcing. In this seminar, I will discuss recent findings from AOGCMs, focusing on the North Atlantic region. The presentation will highlight the relative importance of individual external forcings and present the latest estimates of observed changes attributed to each factor. Additionally, I will introduce results obtained through a novel statistical framework that accounts for potential non-additivities.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle de conférence MCP, IGE MCP, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :

Register here : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdu2opz8jHd2lTeg8i9W1A1EuJftY4CpJ#/registration