Séminaire IGE

Attribution - Episode 2 - ClimaMeter: Putting Extreme Weather in Climate Perspective

vendredi 2 février 2024 - 13h30
Davide Faranda - LSCE-CEA Saclay-IPSL-UVSQ-University Paris Saclay
Climate change is a global challenge with multiple far-reaching consequences, including the intensification and increased frequency of many extreme weather events. In response to this pressing issue, we present ClimaMeter, a platform designed to assess and contextualise extreme weather events relative to climate change. The platform offers near real-time insights into the dynamics of extreme events, serving as a resource for researchers, policymakers, and being a science dissemination tool for the general public. ClimaMeter currently analyses heatwaves, cold spells, heavy precipitation and windstorms. This talk elucidates the methodology, data sources, and analytical techniques on which ClimaMeter relies, providing a comprehensive overview of its scientific foundation. To illustrate Climameter, we provide few examples from recent weather extreme events. Moreover, we underscore the role of ClimaMeter in fostering a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between climate change and extreme weather, with the hope of ultimately contributing to informed decision-making and climate resilience. Follow us on X @ClimaMeter and on www.climameter.org

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Lliboutry, IGE Glaciologie, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :

Register here : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdu2opz8jHd2lTeg8i9W1A1EuJftY4CpJ#/registration