Séminaire IGE

Meteorological drivers of extremes in the high-latitude hydrological cycle

vendredi 1er décembre 2023 - 13h30
Jonathan Wille - ETHZ
Record-shattering climate extremes are becoming a seemingly everyday reality across the globe as anthropogenic climate change accelerates. Over polar regions, short-lived weather extremes receive less attention, but provoke events with major impacts on the ice sheets’ SMB, along with causing a critical increase in the precursors of ice shelf destabilization and final collapse. One fuel source for these extremes are increasingly large quantities of moisture being transported from the subtropics towards the polar regions. One particularly extreme moisture transport event in the form of an atmospheric river led to the highest temperature anomaly ever recorded when a 39 C temperature anomaly occurred during a heatwave over East Antarctica in March 2022. Despite the warmth, this event was a major contributor to making 2022 a positive mass year for Antarctica and mitigate global sea level rise. The influence of anomalous moisture transport on atmospheric circulation extremes and the resulting impacts in the high latitudes remain poorly understood and poorly resolved in global climate models.  In this seminar, I will present the latest research concerning the March 2022 East Antarctic heat wave, the atmospheric dynamical life cycle of atmospheric rivers around Antarctic, and efforts to resolve extreme precipitation events using storm-resolving global climate models within the H2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (nextGEMS) project. Finally, we will have a discussion on the potential value resulting from a better understanding of the physical processes involved in the generation of extreme events at high latitudes and how those events are represented in climate models. Then how the analysis of these meteorological drivers in high-latitudes could be applied to studying hydrometeorological extreme events occurring in the mid-latitudes. 

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Lliboutry, IGE Glaciologie, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

Informations de visio :

Register here : https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvdu2opz8jHd2lTeg8i9W1A1EuJftY4CpJ#/registration