Séminaire IGE

Microorganisms in frozen environments: understanding colonization, communities and interactions using DNA

vendredi 17 novembre 2023 - 13h30
Catherine Larose - IGE
Microorganisms are not only the first form of life to appear on Earth around 3.5 billion years ago, but they are also the most abundant, both in terms of numbers and biomass. They have transformed the Earth by changing the atmosphere through photosynthesis (e.g. the Great Oxidation Event, 2.45 billion years ago) and are integral to all ecosystem-level and climate processes through their involvement in biogeochemical cycles. Given their size, microorganisms can disperse globally and are found in every ecosystem ever sampled, including cryosphere habitats such as ice and snow. These ecosystems provide specific physio-chemical environment with nutrients for bacterial and fungal growth, and thus, acts as a habitat for a diverse community of microorganisms. Using molecular approaches such as metagenomics and metatranscriptomics,  we can unravel the link between seeding sources, colonization and the subsequent persistence and activity of microorganisms in frozen habitats to help understand the link between biota and their environment at different spatial and temporal scales.

Equipe organisatrice : Organisation labo

Salle Lliboutry, IGE Glaciologie, 38400 Saint Martin d'Hères

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