Combining an ice flow model with radar observations in the Dome C area, Antarctica

Ailsa Chung (2021-2024)

Directors : F. Parrenin, O. Eisen (AWI, Germany)
Funding : DEEPICE project

Summary : Understanding how ice flows in East Antarctica is of uppermost importance to determine the distribution of age with depth for deep ice cores. One of the most important applications is to produce the depth vs age relationship, hence the first age model, for the Beyond EPICA ice core. This study has also numerous other applications since other deep drilling are projected in the Dome C area with the aim to retrieve old ice under the IPICS umbrella. The objective of the thesis is to use existing isochronal horizons traced and dated by linking it to the EPICA DC ice core to constrain an ice flow model in the Dome C area.

Keywords : Ice flow modelling, Dome C area, radar observations