Bravo Claude and Jérôme

Figure by Alexis Lamothe base on a picture from Tookapic
Figure by Alexis Lamothe base on a picture from Tookapic

What are you thinking about when tasting your whisky ?

For the iCe3 team, it’s the beginning of a great adventure : in 1965-66, during his overwintering at the Dumont d’Urville Antarctic station, Claude Lorius put a piece of local ice in his whisky and watched it fizzle as it melted. This inspired him to measure the composition of the air trapped in the polar ice, an idea that we still work on in order to understand the links between greenhouse gases and climate variations. Jérôme Chappellaz has contributed to this, notably by developing highly innovative analytical techniques.

Today, this glass in Antarctica has led Jérôme Chappellaz to the Legion of Honor and raised Claude Lorius to the rank of dignity of this order. We are very happy and congratulate them warmly. On January 1, 2021, Claude Lorius was named Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor and Jérôme Chappellaz Knight of the Legion of Honor.

Remember, science often comes from where we don’t expect it, just look at the world around us.

Best 2021 new year wishes from the entire iCe3 team