
Impact of uncertainties in the horizontal density gradient upon low resolution global ocean modelling. Workshop on ‘Stochastic Modelling and Computing for Weather and Climate Prediction’ at the University of Oxford. March 2013.

Traitement des incertitudes en océanographie. Soutenance de HDR, Grenoble. Juin 2014.

A generic approach to explicit simulation of uncertainty in the NEMO ocean model. Intrinsic & forced ocean variability workshop in Grenoble. April 2017.

Réduction des incertitudes par assimilation de données. Visite du CNES, Grenoble. Janvier 2018.

Information brought by inverse methods : a thermodynamic analogy. Informal MEOM meeting, Autrans. July 2018.

Uncertainties in Ocean Forecasting Systems : non-Gaussian and multiscale issues. Marine Data Assimilation Workshop in Toulouse. September 2018.

Implicitly localized MCMC sampler to cope with nonlocal/nonlinear data constraints in large-size inverse problems. EGU, Vienna. May 2020.

Ensemble analysis and forecast of primary production from ocean colour observations using a newly developed MCMC sampler. Visit of CNES representatives, Grenoble. January 2022.