
Frédéric Parrenin

Born 21/10/1975 at Les Fins (Doubs, France)
Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE)
Bâtiment Glaciologie, 54 rue Molière, BP 96, 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex.

Area of expertise

Climate change, paleoclimatology, glaciology, numerical modeling, data assimilation, ice sheets, dating, greenhouse gases, conceptual modeling, analytical developments, glacial cycles, orbital variations, viscous flow.

Scholar curriculum

Former student of ENS Ulm in mathematics.
Master in numerical analysis in 1998 (grade Very Good, rank 1).
PhD in Earth Sciences at Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble) in 2002, supervisors Jean Jouzel and Dominique Raynaud.
Habilitation thesis of Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble) in 2013.


Payed student at Ecole Normale Supérieure between September 1995 and August 1999.
Payed PhD student from the French minister of Research between September 1999 and August 2002.
Short term research contract at IGE between September 2002 and October 2002.
Post-doc at CNES (Toulouse) between November 2002 et october 2004.
"Chargé de recherche CNRS 2ème classe" between October 2004 and October 2011.
"Chargé de recherche CNRS 1ère classe" between October 2011 and October 2018.
"Directeur de recherche CNRS" since October 2018.


Bronze Medal of CNRS, section 19, in 2008.
Higly cited researcher Thomson-Reuters since 2014.


About 100 hours of teaching and public conferences each year, on : Climate change, paleoclimatology, glaciology, programming.


Current French manager of the Beyond-EPICA Oldest Ice Core European H2020 project (expected budget : 11 M€).
Current manager of the French-Russian International Associate Laboratory ’Ice Archives’.
Member of the CNRS/Mycore-CE working group.
Member of the IGE/Informatique working group.
Former manager of the Ice^3 team, and former deputy-manager of the "Paléoclimats" team.
Former manager of the CNRS/INSU/LEFE projects CO2Role and IceChrono.
Former PI of the ANR project MIDIGA (2006-2009, 215 k€)
Former communication manager of the LGGE lab.


Organized several session at international conferences
Co-organized the international symposium "Radioglaciology and its applications" in Madrid in 2008.
Co-organized an international ice core workshop in Grenoble in 2015 (PIRE).
Organized the French-Russian LIA/IRP ice cores seminar in 2017 and 2019 in Grenoble and visio seminar in 2020.


Supervised 14 master students.
Supervised 6 PhD thesis.
Supervised 1 post-doc.