Recent and ongoing projects and activities

A few links to some projects and activities I am or recently was involved in :


  • Délégué Scientifique "Climat, paléoclimat, modèle climatique, GIEC, CMIP" auprès de la direction de CNRS Terre&Univers (INSU)
  • TRACCS (2023-2030) : The subject of the TRACCS program is climate modeling. Its activities cover the fundamental understanding of climate change and its impacts, and extend to the development of prototype climate services co-constructed by stakeholders and climate modeling experts. The challenge is to accelerate the development of climate models to meet society’s expectations in terms of climate action, whether for actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) or for those planned to adapt to the consequences of future climate change.
  • ANR AIAI (2023-2026) : Artificial intelligence to improve the coupling of the Antarctic ice cap with the ocean/atmosphere system
  • Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) : Since January, 2022, I am an associate editor of this gold open access journal of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • ESA CCI Snow : The Snow_cci project aims to contribute to the understanding of Snow in the climate system by generating consistent, high quality long-term data sets that meet the requirements of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).
  • EU H2020 PROTECT : The overarching scientific objective of PROTECT is to assess and project changes in the land-based cryosphere, with fully quantified uncertainties, in order to produce robust global, regional and local projections of SLR on a range of timescales. I contribute bias-corrected global climate projections to this project.
  • EU H2020 ESM2025 : ESM2025 is a European research project on Earth System numerical modelling. The project aims to develop the next generation of Earth System Models (ESMs). This will take a step forward in providing relevant climate simulations for the development of ambitious and realistic mitigation and adaptation strategies in line with the Paris Agreement.

More or less recent past

  • IPCC : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I was a lead author of the chapter "Ocean, cryosphere, and sea level change" of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Working Group I Report (AR6) which has been published in August, 2021, and a member (section facilitator) of the Core Writing Team of the AR6 Synthesis Report published in March 2023.
  • GENCI : National infrastructure in charge of French Tier 1 HPC facilities. Between 2019 and 2022, I was the president of the thematic committee 1 (Environment).
  • LS3MIP : Land surface, snow and soil moisture MIP, a subproject of CMIP6 (ca. 2014-2020)
  • ESM-SnowMIP : A model intercomparison project aiming at improving the representation of snow both in global climate and in dedicated snow models, linked to LS3MIP (ca. 2014-2020)
  • SCAR AntClim21 (-2020) : The goals of AntClim21 were to deliver improved regional projections of key elements of the Antarctic atmosphere, ocean and cryosphere for the next 20 to 200 years and to understand the responses of the physical and biological systems to natural and anthropogenic forcing factors.
  • CliC : Climate and Cryosphere core project of the World Climate Research Programme. I was a co-chair of the CliC Scientific Steering Group from 2014 to 2017.
  • CLIMERI : CLIMERI-France est l’infrastructure nationale de modélisation du climat. Elle a pour mission la réalisation des simulations numériques internationales programmées dans le cadre du Programme mondial de recherches sur le climat (WCRP) aux échelles globales et régionales et la mise à disposition de leurs résultats pour divers utilisateurs. Elle inclut également les simulations régionales nationales de référence sur la France.
  • IMBIE2 : An international collaboration of polar scientists, providing improved estimates of the ice sheet contribution to sea level rise
  • LMDZ : The Atmospheric General Circulation Model developed by LMD/IPSL
  • ORCHIDEE : The land surface model of IPSL

(Word cloud made from the titles of my publications in May 2018)