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In press or submitted.

93. Parrenin, F., Bouchet, M., Buizert, C., Capron, E., Corrick, E., Drysdale, R., Kawamura, K., Landais, A., Mulvaney, R., Oyabu, I., and Rasmussen, S. : The Paleochrono-1.1 probabilistic model to derive optimized and consistent chronologies for several paleoclimatic sites, EGUsphere, 1–33,, 2024.

92. Raynaud, D., Yin, Q., Capron, E., Wu, Z., Parrenin, F., Berger, A., and Lipenkov, V. : Past Antarctic summer temperature revealed by total air content in ice cores, EGUsphere, 1–17,, 2023.

91. Legrain, E., Capron, E., Menviel, L., Wohleber, A., Parrenin, F., Teste, G., Landais, A., Bouchet, M., Grilli, R., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Silva, L., Fischer, H., and Stocker, T. : High obliquity favours centennial-scale variations in the carbon cycle, Nature, In Revisions.


90. Bouchet, M., Landais, A., Grisart, A., Parrenin, F., Prié, F., Jacob, R., Fourré, E., Capron, E., Raynaud, D., Lipenkov, V. Y., Loutre, M.-F., Extier, T., Svensson, A., Legrain, E., Martinerie, P., Leuenberger, M., Jiang, W., Ritterbusch, F., Lu, Z.-T., and Yang, G.-M. : The Antarctic Ice Core Chronology 2023 (AICC2023) chronological framework and associated timescale for the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C ice core, Climate of the Past, 19, 2257–2286,, 2023.

89. Bouchet, M., Landais, A., and Parrenin, F. : Dive into the timescales of deep ice cores, PAGES Mag, 31, 104–105,, 2023.

88. Chung, A., Parrenin, F., Mulvaney, R., and Eisen, O. : Could there be 2 million year old ice at North Patch near Dome C, Antarctica ?, PAGES Mag, 31, 60–61,, 2023.

87. Wang, Z., Chung, A., Steinhage, D., Parrenin, F., Freitag, J., and Eisen, O. : Mapping age and basal conditions of ice in the Dome Fuji region, Antarctica, by combining radar internal layer stratigraphy and flow modeling, The Cryosphere, 17, 4297–4314,, 2023.

86. Parrenin, F. and Landais, A. : On ice cores chronologies, in : Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier,, 2023.

85. Chung, A., Parrenin, F., Steinhage, D., Mulvaney, R., Martín, C., Cavitte, M. G. P., Lilien, D. A., Helm, V., Taylor, D., Gogineni, P., Ritz, C., Frezzotti, M., O’Neill, C., Miller, H., Dahl-Jensen, D., and Eisen, O. : Stagnant ice and age modelling in the Dome C region, Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 17, 3461–3483,, 2023.

84. Mulvaney, R., Wolff, E. W., Grieman, M. M., Hoffmann, H. H., Humby, J. D., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Rhodes, R. H., Rowell, I. F., Parrenin, F., Schmidely, L., Fischer, H., Stocker, T. F., Christl, M., Muscheler, R., Landais, A., and Prié, F. : The ST22 chronology for the Skytrain Ice Rise ice core – Part 2 : An age model to the last interglacial and disturbed deep stratigraphy, Climate of the Past, 19, 851–864,, 2023.

83. Legrain, E., Parrenin, F., and Capron, E. : A gradual change is more likely to have caused the Mid-Pleistocene Transition than an abrupt event, Commun Earth Environ, 4, 1–10,, 2023.

82. Oyabu, I., Kawamura, K., Fujita, S., Inoue, R., Motoyama, H., Fukui, K., Hirabayashi, M., Hoshina, Y., Kurita, N., Nakazawa, F., Ohno, H., Sugiura, K., Suzuki, T., Tsutaki, S., Abe-Ouchi, A., Niwano, M., Parrenin, F., Saito, F., and Yoshimori, M. : Temporal variations of surface mass balance over the last 5000 years around Dome Fuji, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, Climate of the Past, 19, 293–321,, 2023.


81. Oyabu, I., Kawamura, K., Buizert, C., Parrenin, F., Orsi, A., Kitamura, K., Aoki, S., and Nakazawa, T. : The Dome Fuji ice core DF2021 chronology (0–207 kyr BP), Quaternary Science Reviews, 294, 107754,, 2022.


80. Crotti, I., Landais, A., Stenni, B., Bazin, L., Parrenin, F., Frezzotti, M., Ritterbusch, F., Lu, Z.-T., Jiang, W., Yang, G.-M., Fourré, E., Orsi, A., Jacob, R., Minster, B., Prié, F., Dreossi, G., and Barbante, C. : An extension of the TALDICE ice core age scale reaching back to MIS 10.1, Quaternary Science Reviews, 266, 107078,, 2021.

79. Lilien, D. A., Steinhage, D., Taylor, D., Parrenin, F., Ritz, C., Mulvaney, R., Martín, C., Yan, J.-B., O’Neill, C., Frezzotti, M., Miller, H., Gogineni, P., Dahl-Jensen, D., and Eisen, O. : Brief communication : New radar constraints support presence of ice older than 1.5 Myr at Little Dome C, The Cryosphere, 15, 1881–1888,, 2021.


78. Parrenin, F. : The Dating of Ice-Core Archives, in : Paleoclimatology, edited by : Ramstein, G., Landais, A., Bouttes, N., Sepulchre, P., and Govin, A., Springer International Publishing, Cham, 123–135,, 2021.

77. Raynaud, D., Beeman, J., Chappellaz, J., Parrenin, F., and Shin, J. : Antarctic air bubbles and the long-term ice core record of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, in : Past Antarctica, 27–50,, 2020.

76. Parrenin, F. and Vargas, É. : Biodiversité et changement climatique  : entre discours du spécialiste et discours vulgarisé, Les Carnets du Cediscor, 33–46,, 2020.

75. Shin, J., Nehrbass-Ahles, C., Grilli, R., Chowdhry Beeman, J., Parrenin, F., Teste, G., Landais, A., Schmidely, L., Silva, L., Schmitt, J., Bereiter, B., Stocker, T. F., Fischer, H. and Chappellaz, J. : Millennial-scale atmospheric CO2 variations during the Marine Isotope Stage 6 period (190–135 ka), Climate of the Past, 16(6), 2203–2219,, 2020.

74. Parrenin, F. and Landais, A. : La datation des archives glaciaires, La Météorologie, (110), 18–27, 10.37053/lameteorologie-2020-0070, 2020.

73. Lee, J. E., Brook, E. J., Bertler, N. A. N., Buizert, C., Baisden, T., Blunier, T., Ciobanu, V. G., Conway, H., Dahl-Jensen, D., Fudge, T. J., Hindmarsh, R., Keller, E. D., Parrenin, F., Severinghaus, J. P., Vallelonga, P., Waddington, E. D. and Winstrup, M. : An 83 000-year-old ice core from Roosevelt Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica, Climate of the Past, 16(5), 1691–1713,, 2020.

72. Svensson, A., Dahl-Jensen, D., Steffensen, J. P., Blunier, T., Rasmussen, S. O., Vinther, B. M., Vallelonga, P., Capron, E., Gkinis, V., Cook, E., Kjær, H. A., Muscheler, R., Kipfstuhl, S., Wilhelms, F., Stocker, T. F., Fischer, H., Adolphi, F., Erhardt, T., Sigl, M., Landais, A., Parrenin, F., Buizert, C., McConnell, J. R., Severi, M., Mulvaney, R. and Bigler, M. : Bipolar volcanic synchronization of abrupt climate change in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores during the last glacial period, Climate of the Past, 16(4), 1565–1580,, 2020.


71. Chowdhry Beeman, J., Gest, L., Parrenin, F., Raynaud, D., Fudge, T. J., Buizert, C. and Brook, E. J. : Antarctic temperature and CO2 : near-synchrony yet variable phasing during the last deglaciation, Climate of the Past, 15(3), 913–926,, 2019.


70. Buizert, C., Sigl, M., Severi, M., Markle, B. R., Wettstein, J. J., McConnell, J. R., Pedro, J. B., Sodemann, H., Goto-Azuma, K., Kawamura, K., Fujita, S., Motoyama, H., Hirabayashi, M., Uemura, R., Stenni, B., Parrenin, F., He, F., Fudge, T. J. and Steig, E. J. : Abrupt ice-age shifts in southern westerly winds and Antarctic climate forced from the north, Nature, 563(7733), 681,, 2018.

69. Tzedakis, P. C., Drysdale, R. N., Margari, V., Skinner, L. C., Menviel, L., Rhodes, R. H., Taschetto, A. S., Hodell, D. A., Crowhurst, S. J., Hellstrom, J. C., Fallick, A. E., Grimalt, J. O., McManus, J. F., Martrat, B., Mokeddem, Z., Parrenin, F., Regattieri, E., Roe, K. and Zanchetta, G. : Enhanced climate instability in the North Atlantic and southern Europe during the Last Interglacial, Nature Communications, 9(1), 4235,, 2018.

68. Passalacqua, O., Cavitte, M., Gagliardini, O., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Parrenin, F., Ritz, C. and Young, D. : Brief communication : Candidate sites of 1.5 Myr old ice 37 km southwest of the Dome C summit, East Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 12(6), 2167–2174,, 2018.

67. Cavitte, M. G. P., Parrenin, F., Ritz, C., Young, D. A., Van Liefferinge, B., Blankenship, D. D., Frezzotti, M. and Roberts, J. L. : Accumulation patterns around Dome C, East Antarctica, in the last 73 kyr, The Cryosphere, 12(4), 1401–1414,, 2018.


66. Parrenin, F., Cavitte, M. G. P., Blankenship, D. D., Chappellaz, J., Fischer, H., Gagliardini, O., Masson-Delmotte, V., Passalacqua, O., Ritz, C., Roberts, J., Siegert, M. J. and Young, D. A. : Is there 1.5-million-year-old ice near Dome C, Antarctica ?, The Cryosphere, 11(6), 2427–2437,, 2017.

65. Passalacqua, O., Ritz, C., Parrenin, F., Urbini, S. and Frezzotti, M. : Geothermal flux and basal melt rate in the Dome C region inferred from radar reflectivity and heat modelling, The Cryosphere, 11(5), 2231–2246,, 2017.

64. Parrenin, F., Bazin, L., Capron, É., Landais, A., Lemieux‑Dudon, B. and Masson‑Delmotte, V. : Icechrono1  : un modèle probabiliste pour calculer une chronologie commune et optimale pour plusieurs carottes de glace, Quaternaire, (vol. 28/2), 179–184,, 2017.

63. Dome Fuji Ice Core Project Members, Kawamura, K., Abe-Ouchi, A., Motoyama, H., Ageta, Y., Aoki, S., Azuma, N., Fujii, Y., Fujita, K., Fujita, S., Fukui, K., Furukawa, T., Furusaki, A., Goto-Azuma, K., Greve, R., Hirabayashi, M., Hondoh, T., Hori, A., Horikawa, S., Horiuchi, K., Igarashi, M., Iizuka, Y., Kameda, T., Kanda, H., Kohno, M., Kuramoto, T., Matsushi, Y., Miyahara, M., Miyake, T., Miyamoto, A., Nagashima, Y., Nakayama, Y., Nakazawa, T., Nakazawa, F., Nishio, F., Obinata, I., Ohgaito, R., Oka, A., Okuno, J., Okuyama, J., Oyabu, I., Parrenin, F., Pattyn, F., Saito, F., Saito, T., Saito, T., Sakurai, T., Sasa, K., Seddik, H., Shibata, Y., Shinbori, K., Suzuki, K., Suzuki, T., Takahashi, A., Takahashi, K., Takahashi, S., Takata, M., Tanaka, Y., Uemura, R., Watanabe, G., Watanabe, O., Yamasaki, T., Yokoyama, K., Yoshimori, M. and Yoshimoto, T. : State dependence of climatic instability over the past 720,000 years from Antarctic ice cores and climate modeling, Science Advances, 3(2), e1600446,, 2017.


62. Vakulenko, N. V., Kotlyakov, V. M., Parrenin, F. and Sonechkin, D. M. : A study of different‑scale relationship between changes of the surface air temperature and the СО2 concentration in the atmosphere, Lëd i Sneg, 56(4), 533–544,, 2016.

61. Parrenin, F., Fujita, S., Abe-Ouchi, A., Kawamura, K., Masson-Delmotte, V., Motoyama, H., Saito, F., Severi, M., Stenni, B., Uemura, R. and Wolff, E. W. : Climate dependent contrast in surface mass balance in East Antarctica over the past 216 ka, Journal of Glaciology, 62(236), 1037–1048,, 2016.

60. Passalacqua, O., Gagliardini, O., Parrenin, F., Todd, J., Gillet-Chaulet, F. and Ritz, C. : Performance and applicability of a 2.5-D ice-flow model in the vicinity of a dome, Geosci. Model Dev., 9(7), 2301–2313,, 2016.

59. Cavitte, M. G. P., Blankenship, D. D., Young, D. A., Schroeder, D. M., Parrenin, F., Lemeur, E., Macgregor, J. A. and Siegert, M. J. : Deep radiostratigraphy of the East Antarctic plateau : connecting the Dome C and Vostok ice core sites, Journal of Glaciology, 62(232), 323–334,, 2016.

58. Nakano, S., Suzuki, K., Kawamura, K., Parrenin, F. and Higuchi, T. : A sequential Bayesian approach for the estimation of the age–depth relationship of the Dome Fuji ice core, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 23(1), 31–44,, 2016.


57. Berger, A., Crucifix, M., Hodell, D. A., Mangili, C., McManus, J. F., Otto-Bliesner, B., Pol, K., Raynaud, D., Skinner, L. C., Tzedakis, P. C., Wolff, E., Yin, Q. Z., Abe-Ouchi, A., Barbante, C., Brovkin, V., Cacho, I., Capron, E., Ferretti, P., Ganopolski, A., Grimalt, J. O., Honisch, B., Kawamura, K., Landais, A., Margari, V., Martrat, B., Masson-Delmotte, V., Mokeddem, Z., Parrenin, F., Propenko, A. A., Rashid, H., Schulz, M., and Vazquez Rivieros, N. : Interglacials of the last 800,000 years, 54, 162–219,, 2016.

56. Govin, A., Capron, E., Tzedakis, P. C., Verheyden, S., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J. S., Bassinot, F., Bazin, L., Blunier, T., Combourieu-Nebout, N., El Ouahabi, A., Genty, D., Gersonde, R., Jimenez-Amat, P., Landais, A., Martrat, B., Masson-Delmotte, V., Parrenin, F., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Veres, D., Waelbroeck, C. and Zahn, R. : Sequence of events from the onset to the demise of the Last Interglacial : Evaluating strengths and limitations of chronologies used in climatic archives, Quaternary Science Reviews, 129, 1–36,, 2015.

55. Fujita, S., Parrenin, F., Severi, M., Motoyama, H. and Wolff, E. W. : Volcanic synchronization of Dome Fuji and Dome C Antarctic deep ice cores over the past 216 kyr, Clim. Past, 11(10), 1395–1416,, 2015.

54. Lemieux-Dudon, B., Bazin, L., Landais, A., Toyé Mahamadou Kele, H., Guillevic, M., Kindler, P., Parrenin, F. and Martinerie, P. : Implementation of counted layers for coherent ice core chronology, Clim. Past, 11(6), 959–978,, 2015.

53. Parrenin, F., Bazin, L., Capron, E., Landais, A., Lemieux-Dudon, B. and Masson-Delmotte, V. : IceChrono1 : a probabilistic model to compute a common and optimal chronology for several ice cores, Geosci. Model Dev., 8(5), 1473–1492,, 2015.


52. Parrenin, F. : La datation des archives glaciaires, in : Paléoclimatologie, EDP Sciences, 181–204,, 2013.

51. Fischer, H., Severinghaus, J., Brook, E., Wolff, E., Albert, M., Alemany, O., Arthern, R., Bentley, C., Blankenship, D., Chappellaz, J., Creyts, T., Dahl-Jensen, D., Dinn, M., Frezzotti, M., Fujita, S., Gallee, H., Hindmarsh, R., Hudspeth, D., Jugie, G., Kawamura, K., Lipenkov, V., Miller, H., Mulvaney, R., Parrenin, F., Pattyn, F., Ritz, C., Schwander, J., Steinhage, D., Ommen, T. van and Wilhelms, F. : Where to find 1.5 million yr old ice for the IPICS “Oldest-Ice” ice core, Climate of the Past, 9(6), 2489–2505,, 2013.

50. Landais, A., Dreyfus, G., Capron, E., Jouzel, J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Roche, D. M., Prié, F., Caillon, N., Chappellaz, J., Leuenberger, M., Lourantou, A., Parrenin, F., Raynaud, D. and Teste, G. : Two-phase change in CO2, Antarctic temperature and global climate during Termination II, Nature Geosciences, 6(12), 1062–1065,, 2013.

49. Veres, D., Bazin, L., Landais, A., Toyé Mahamadou Kele, H., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Parrenin, F., Martinerie, P., Blayo, E., Blunier, T., Capron, E., Chappellaz, J., Rasmussen, S. O., Severi, M., Svensson, A., Vinther, B. and Wolff, E. W. : The Antarctic ice core chronology (AICC2012) : an optimized multi-parameter and multi-site dating approach for the last 120 thousand years, Clim. Past, 9(4), 1733–1748,, 2013.

48. Bazin, L., Landais, A., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Toyé Mahamadou Kele, H., Veres, D., Parrenin, F., Martinerie, P., Ritz, C., Capron, E., Lipenkov, V., Loutre, M.-F., Raynaud, D., Vinther, B., Svensson, A., Rasmussen, S. O., Severi, M., Blunier, T., Leuenberger, M., Fischer, H., Masson-Delmotte, V., Chappellaz, J. and Wolff, E. : An optimized multi-proxy, multi-site Antarctic ice and gas orbital chronology (AICC2012) : 120–800 ka, Clim. Past, 9(4), 1715–1731,, 2013.

47. Capron, E., Landais, A., Buiron, D., Cauquoin, A., Chappellaz, J., Debret, M., Jouzel, J., Leuenberger, M., Martinerie, P., Masson-Delmotte, V., Mulvaney, R., Parrenin, F., and Prié, F. : Glacial–interglacial dynamics of Antarctic firn columns : comparison between simulations and ice core air-δ15N measurements, Clim. Past, 9, 983-999,, 2013.

46. Svensson, A., Bigler, M., Blunier, T., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, D., Fischer, H., Fujita,S., Goto-Azuma, K., Johnsen, S. J., Kawamura, K., Kipfstuhl, S., Kohno, M., Parrenin, F., Popp, T., Rasmussen, S.O., Schwander, J., Seierstad, I., Severi, M., Steffensen, J. P., Udisti, R., Uemura, R., Vallelonga, P., Vinther, B. M., Wegner, A., Wilhelms, F., and Winstrup, M. : Direct linking of Greenland and Antarctic ice cores at the Toba eruption (74 ka BP), Clim. Past, 9, 749-766,, 2013.

45. Parrenin, F., Masson-Delmotte, V., Köhler, P., Raynaud, D., Paillard, D., Schwander, J., Barbante, C., Landais, A., Wegner, A. and Jouzel, J. : Synchronous Change of Atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic Temperature During the Last Deglacial Warming, Science, 339(6123), 1060–1063,, 2013.


44. Parrenin, F. and Paillard, D. : Terminations VI and VIII ( 530 and 720 kyr BP) tell us the importance of obliquity and precession in the triggering of deglaciations, Climate of the Past, 8(6), 2031–2037, doi :, 2012.

43. Parrenin, F., Barker, S., Blunier, T., Chappellaz, J., Jouzel, J., Landais, A., Masson-Delmotte, V., Schwander, J. and Veres, D. : On the gas-ice depth difference (Δdepth) along the EPICA Dome C ice core, Clim. Past, 8(4), 1239–1255,, 2012.

42. Buiron, D., Stenni, B., Chappellaz, J., Landais, A., Baumgartner, M., Bonazza, M., Capron, E., Frezzotti, M., Kageyama, M., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Masson-Delmotte, V., Parrenin, F., Schilt, A., Selmo, E., Severi, M., Swingedouw, D. and Udisti, R. : Regional imprints of millennial variability during the MIS 3 period around Antarctica, Quat. Sci. Rev., 48(0), 99–112,, 2012.

41. Parrenin, F., Petit, J.-R., Masson-Delmotte, V., Wolff, E., Basile-Doelsch, I., Jouzel, J., Lipenkov, V., Rasmussen, S. O., Schwander, J., Severi, M., Udisti, R., Veres, D., and Vinther, B. M. : Volcanic synchronisation between the EPICA Dome C and Vostok ice cores (Antarctica) 0-145 kyr BP, 8, 1031–1045,, 2012.


40. Barker, S., Knorr, G., Edwards, R. L., Parrenin, F., Putnam, A. E., Skinner, L. C., Wolff, E., and Ziegler, M. : 800,000 Years of Abrupt Climate Variability, 334, 347–351,, 2011.

39. Buiron, D., Chappellaz, J., Stenni, B., Frezzotti, M., Baumgartner, M., Capron, E., Landais, A., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Masson-Delmotte, V., Montagnat, M., Parrenin, F., and Schilt, A. : TALDICE-1 age scale of the Talos Dome deep ice core, East Antarctica, Climate of the Past, 7, 1–16,, 2011.

38. Stenni, B., Buiron, D., Frezzotti, M., Albani, S., Barbante, C., Bard, E., Barnola, J. M., Baroni, M., Baumgartner, M., Bonazza, M., Capron, E., Castellano, E., Chappellaz, J., Delmonte, B., Falourd, S., Genoni, L., Iacumin, P., Jouzel, J., Kipfstuhl, S., Landais, A., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Maggi, V., Masson-Delmotte, V., Mazzola, C., Minster, B., Montagnat, M., Mulvaney, R., Narcisi, B., Oerter, H., Parrenin, F., Petit, J. R., Ritz, C., Scarchilli, C., Schilt, A., Schüpbach, S., Schwander, J., Selmo, E., Severi, M., Stocker, T. F., and Udisti, R. : Expression of the bipolar see-saw in Antarctic climate records during the last deglaciation, Nature Geosci, 4, 46–49,, 2011.


37. Pol, K., Masson-Delmotte, V., Johnsen, S., Bigler, M., Cattani, O., Durand, G., Falourd, S., Jouzel, J., Minster, B., Parrenin, F., Ritz, C., Steen-Larsen, H. C., and Stenni, B. : New MIS 19 EPICA Dome C high resolution deuterium data : Hints for a problematic preservation of climate variability at sub-millennial scale in the “oldest ice,” 298, 95–103,, 2010.

36. Lemieux-Dudon, B., Parrenin, F., Blayo, E. : A probabilistic method to construct a common and optimal chronology for an ice core, in Physics of Ice Core Records,, 2010.

35. Lemieux-Dudon, B., Blayo, E., Petit, J.-R., Waelbroeck, C., Svensson, A., Ritz, C., Barnola, J.-M., Narcisi, B. M., and Parrenin, F. : Consistent dating for Antarctic and Greenland ice cores, Quaternary Science Reviews, 29, 8–20,, 2010.


34. Raynaud, D. and Parrenin, F. : Ice Cores, Antarctica And Greenland, in : Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments, edited by : Gornitz, V., Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, 453–457,, 2009.

33. Hindmarsh, R. C. A., Vieli, G. J.-M. C. L., and Parrenin, F. : A large-scale numerical model for computing isochrone geometry, 50, 130–140,, 2009.


32. Dreyfus, G. B., Raisbeck, G. M., Parrenin, F., Jouzel, J., Guyodo, Y., Nomade, S., and Mazaud, A. : An ice core perspective on the age of the Matuyama–Brunhes boundary, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274, 151–156,, 2008.

31. Svensson, A., Andersen, K. K., Bigler, M., Clausen, H. B., Dahl-Jensen, D., Davies, S. M., Johnsen, S. J., Muscheler, R., Parrenin, F., Rasmussen, S. O., Röthlisberger, R., Seierstad, I., Steffensen, J. P., and Vinther, B. M. : A 60 000 year Greenland stratigraphic ice core chronology, 4, 47–57,, 2008.

30. Waelbroeck, C., Frank, N., Jouzel, J., Parrenin, F., Masson-Delmotte, V., and Genty, D. : Transferring radiometric dating of the last interglacial sea level high stand to marine and ice core records, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 265, 183–194,, 2008.


29. Parrenin, F. and Hindmarsh, R. : Influence of a non-uniform velocity field on isochrone geometry along a steady flowline of an ice sheet, 53, 612–622,, 2007.

28. Loulergue, L., Parrenin, F., Blunier, T., Barnola, J.-M., Spahni, R., Schilt, A., Raisbeck, G., and Chappellaz, J. : New constraints on the gas age-ice age difference along the EPICA ice cores, 0–50 kyr, 3, 527–540,, 2007.

27. Kawamura, K., Parrenin, F., Lisiecki, L., Uemura, R., Vimeux, F., Severinghaus, J. P., Hutterli, M. A., Nakazawa, T., Aoki, S., Jouzel, J., Raymo, M. E., Matsumoto, K., Nakata, H., Motoyama, H., Fujita, S., Goto-Azuma, K., Fujii, Y., and Watanabe, O. : Northern Hemisphere forcing of climatic cycles in Antarctica over the past 360,000 years, 448, 912–916,, 2007.

26. Parrenin, F., Barnola, J.-M., Beer, J., Blunier, T., Castellano, E., Chappellaz, J., Dreyfus, G., Fischer, H., Fujita, S., Jouzel, J., Kawamura, K., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Loulergue, L., Masson-Delmotte, V., Narcisi, B., Petit, J.-R., Raisbeck, G., Raynaud, D., Ruth, U., Schwander, J., Severi, M., Spahni, R., Steffensen, J. P., Svensson, A., Udisti, R., Waelbroeck, C., and Wolff, E. : The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core, 3, 485–497,, 2007.

25. Jouzel, J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Cattani, O., Dreyfus, G., Falourd, S., Hoffmann, G., Minster, B., Nouet, J., Barnola, J. M., Chappellaz, J., Fischer, H., Gallet, J. C., Johnsen, S., Leuenberger, M., Loulergue, L., Luethi, D., Oerter, H., Parrenin, F., Raisbeck, G., Raynaud, D., Schilt, A., Schwander, J., Selmo, E., Souchez, R., Spahni, R., Stauffer, B., Steffensen, J. P., Stenni, B., Stocker, T. F., Tison, J. L., Werner, M., and Wolff, E. W. : Orbital and Millennial Antarctic Climate Variability over the Past 800,000 Years, 317, 793–796,, 2007.

24. Ruth, U., Barnola, J.-M., Beer, J., Bigler, M., Blunier, T., Castellano, E., Fischer, H., Fundel, F., Huybrechts, P., Kaufmann, P., Kipfstuhl, S., Lambrecht, A., Morganti, A., Oerter, H., Parrenin, F., Rybak, O., Severi, M., Udisti, R., Wilhelms, F., and Wolff, E. : “EDML1” : a chronology for the EPICA deep ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, over the last 150 000 years, 3, 475–484,, 2007.

23. Severi, M., Becagli, S., Castellano, E., Morganti, A., Traversi, R., Udisti, R., Ruth, U., Fischer, H., Huybrechts, P., Wolff, E., Parrenin, F., Kaufmann, P., Lambert, F., and Steffensen, J. P. : Synchronisation of the EDML and EDC ice cores for the last 52 kyr by volcanic signature matching, 3, 367–374,, 2007.

22. Dreyfus, G. B., Parrenin, F., Lemieux-Dudon, B., Durand, G., Masson-Delmotte, V., Jouzel, J., Barnola, J.-M., Panno, L., Spahni, R., Tisserand, A., Siegenthaler, U., and Leuenberger, M. : Anomalous flow below 2700 m in the EPICA Dome C ice core detected using δ18O of atmospheric oxygen measurements, 3, 341–353,, 2007.

21. Parrenin, F., Dreyfus, G., Durand, G., Fujita, S., Gagliardini, O., Gillet, F., Jouzel, J., Kawamura, K., Lhomme, N., Masson-Delmotte, V., Ritz, C., Schwander, J., Shoji, H., Uemura, R., Watanabe, O., and Yoshida, N. : 1-D-ice flow modelling at EPICA Dome C and Dome Fuji, East Antarctica, 3, 243–259,, 2007.

20. Durand, G., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Svensson, A., Gagliardini, O., Kipfstuhl, S., Meyssonnier, J., Parrenin, F., Duval, P., and Dahl-Jensen, D. : Change in ice rheology during climate variations - implications for ice flow modelling and dating of the EPICA Dome C core, 3, 155–167,, 2007.

19. Domine, F. ; Taillandier, A.-S., Houdier, S. ; Parrenin, F. ; Simpson, W.R. and Douglas, T.A., Interactions between snow metamorphism and climate : physical and chemical aspects, in "Physics and Chemistry of Ice", W.F. Kuhs, ed., Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, pp. 27-46,, 2007.


18. Bender, M. L. ; Floch, G. ; Chappellaz, J. ; Suwa, M. ; Barnola, J.-M. ; Blunier, T. ; Dreyfus, G. ; Jouzel, J. ; Parrenin, F., Gas age-ice age differences and the chronology of the Vostok ice core, 0-100 ka, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 111, D21115,, 2006.

17. Masson-Delmotte, V., Dreyfus, G., Braconnot, P., Johnsen, S., Jouzel, J., Kageyama, M., Landais, A., Loutre, M.-F., Nouet, J., Parrenin, F., Raynaud, D., Stenni, B., and Tuenter, E. : Past temperature reconstructions from deep ice cores : relevance for future climate change, 2, 145–165,, 2006.

16. Barbante, C., Barnola, J.-M., Becagli, S., Beer, J., Bigler, M., Boutron, C., Blunier, T., Castellano, E., Cattani, O., Chappellaz, J., Dahl-Jensen, D., Debret, M., Delmonte, B., Dick, D., Falourd, S., Faria, S., Federer, U., Fischer, H., Freitag, J., Frenzel, A., Fritzsche, D., Fundel, F., Gabrielli, P., Gaspari, V., Gersonde, R., Graf, W., Grigoriev, D., Hamann, I., Hansson, M., Hoffmann, G., Hutterli, M. A., Huybrechts, P., Isaksson, E., Johnsen, S., Jouzel, J., Kaczmarska, M., Karlin, T., Kaufmann, P., Kipfstuhl, S., Kohno, M., Lambert, F., Lambrecht, A., Lambrecht, A., Landais, A., Lawer, G., Leuenberger, M., Littot, G., Loulergue, L., Lüthi, D., Maggi, V., Marino, F., Masson-Delmotte, V., Meyer, H., Miller, H., Mulvaney, R., Narcisi, B., Oerlemans, J., Oerter, H., Parrenin, F., Petit, J.-R., Raisbeck, G., Raynaud, D., Röthlisberger, R., Ruth, U., Rybak, O., Severi, M., Schmitt, J., Schwander, J., Siegenthaler, U., Siggaard-Andersen, M.-L., Spahni, R., Steffensen, J. P., Stenni, B., Stocker, T. F., Tison, J.-L., Traversi, R., Udisti, R., Valero-Delgado, F., van den Broeke, M. R., van de Wal, R. S. W., Wagenbach, D., Wegner, A., Weiler, K., Wilhelms, F., Winther, J.-G., Wolff, E., and EPICA Community Members : One-to-one coupling of glacial climate variability in Greenland and Antarctica, 444, 195–198,, 2006.

15. Parrenin, F., Hindmarsh, R. C. A., and Rémy, F. : Analytical solutions for the effect of topography, accumulation rate and lateral flow divergence on isochrone layer geometry, 52, 191–202,, 2006.

14. Durand, G., Weiss, J., Lipenkov, V., Barnola, J. M., Krinner, G., Parrenin, F., Delmonte, B., Ritz, C., Duval, P., Röthlisberger, R., and Bigler, M. : Effect of impurities on grain growth in cold ice sheets, 111,, 2006.


13. Rémy, F. and Parrenin, F. : Snow accumulation variability and random walk : how to interpret changes of surface elevation in Antarctica, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227, 273–280,, 2004.

12. Parrenin, F., Rémy, F., Ritz, C., Siegert, M. J., and Jouzel, J. : New modeling of the Vostok ice flow line and implication for the glaciological chronology of the Vostok ice core, 109,, 2004.

11. Paillard, D. and Parrenin, F. : The Antarctic ice sheet and the triggering of deglaciations, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227, 263–271,, 2004.

10. Augustin, L., Barbante, C., Barnes, P. R. F., Marc Barnola, J., Bigler, M., Castellano, E., Cattani, O., Chappellaz, J., Dahl-Jensen, D., Delmonte, B., Dreyfus, G., Durand, G., Falourd, S., Fischer, H., Flückiger, J., Hansson, M. E., Huybrechts, P., Jugie, G., Johnsen, S. J., Jouzel, J., Kaufmann, P., Kipfstuhl, J., Lambert, F., Lipenkov, V. Y., Littot, G. C., Longinelli, A., Lorrain, R., Maggi, V., Masson-Delmotte, V., Miller, H., Mulvaney, R., Oerlemans, J., Oerter, H., Orombelli, G., Parrenin, F., Peel, D. A., Petit, J.-R., Raynaud, D., Ritz, C., Ruth, U., Schwander, J., Siegenthaler, U., Souchez, R., Stauffer, B., Peder Steffensen, J., Stenni, B., Stocker, T. F., Tabacco, I. E., Udisti, R., van de Wal, R. S. W., van den Broeke, M., Weiss, J., Wilhelms, F., Winther, J.-G., Wolff, E. W., Zucchelli, M., EPICA community members, and EPICA community members (participants are listed alphabetically) : Eight glacial cycles from an Antarctic ice core, 429, 623–628,, 2004.

9. Shackleton, N. J., Fairbanks, R. G., Chiu, T., and Parrenin, F. : Absolute calibration of the Greenland time scale : implications for Antarctic time scales and for Δ14C, Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, 1513–1522,, 2004.

8. Blunier, T., Schwander, J., Chappellaz, J., Parrenin, F., and Barnola, J. M. : What was the surface temperature in central Antarctica during the last glacial maximum ?, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 218, 379–388,, 2004.


7. Parrenin, F. and Paillard, D. : Amplitude and phase of glacial cycles from a conceptual model, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 214, 243–250,, 2003.

6. Jouzel, J., Vimeux, F., Caillon, N., Delaygue, G., Hoffmann, G., Masson-Delmotte, V., and Parrenin, F. : Magnitude of isotope/temperature scaling for interpretation of central Antarctic ice cores, 108,, 2003.

5. Watanabe, O., Jouzel, J., Johnsen, S., Parrenin, F., Shoji, H., and Yoshida, N. : Homogeneous climate variability across East Antarctica over the past three glacial cycles, 422, 509–512,, 2003.


4. Jouzel, J., Hoffmann, G., Parrenin, F., and Waelbroeck, C. : Atmospheric oxygen 18 and sea-level changes, Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, 307–314,, 2002.


3. Caillon, N., Severinghaus, J. P., Barnola, J.-M., Chappellaz, J., Jouzel, J., and Parrenin, F. : Estimation of temperature change and of gas age-ice age difference, 108 kyr B.P., at Vostok, Antarctica, 106, 31893–31901,, 2001.

2. Parrenin, F., Jouzel, J., Waelbroeck, C., Ritz, C., and Barnola, J.-M. : Dating the Vostok ice core by an inverse method, 106, 31837–31851,, 2001.


1. Sarnthein, M., Kennett, J. P., Chappell, J., Crowley, T., Curry, W., Dupessy, J. C., Grootes, P., Hendy, I., Laj, C., Negendank, J., Schulz, M., Shackleton, N. J., Voelker, A., and Zolitschka, B. : Exploring Late Pleistocene climate variations, 81, 625–630,, 2000.