Projets en cours

Une grande partie des financements des projets de l’équipe viennent de l’Union Européenne (EU), de l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), du Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), de l’Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA), et de l’Institut polaire Paul Emile Victor (IPEV).

  • ANR AIAI (2023-2026) Artificial Intelligence to improve the coupling between the Antarctic ice sheet and the ocean/atmosphere system.
  • EU-Horizon Europe OCEAN:ICE(2022-2026) Ocean-Cryosphere Exchanges in ANtarctica : Impacts on Climate and the Earth System.
  • EU-H2020 ESM2025 (2021-2025) Earth system models for the future.
  • EU-H2020 CRiceS (2021-2025) Climate relevant interactions and feedbacks : the key role of sea ice and snow in the polar and global climate system.
  • EU-H2020 PROTECT (2020-2024) Projecting sea-level rise : from ice sheets to local implications.
  • EU-ERC RhEoVOLUTION (2020-2025) Micro-scale dependent, time- and space-evolving rheologies : the key for generating strain localization in the Earth (PI : A. Tommasi, Géosciences Montpellier).
  • ANR SAUSSURE (2019-2023) Sliding of glAciers and sUbglacial water preSSURE.
  • ANR EIS (2020-2024) Elmer/Ice Sheet.
  • ANR SOSIce (2020-2024) Space-based Observations of the Ice Sheets : Ice mass changes evaluated from 2013 to present.
  • ANR MAGIC (2020-2023) The MountAin GlacIer foreCast framework.
  • EU-H2020 TiPACCs (2019-2023) Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components.
  • IPEV DACOTA Dynamics of coastal outlet glaciers and implications on the overall mass balance of the East Antarctic ice sheet.
  • ESA 4DANTARCTICA (2019-2023).