On the Development and Applications of an Integrated Data-Driven Modeling System to Study and Predict the Circulation and the Climate of the Red Sea

Séminaire de Ibrahim Hoteit, mercredi 10 juillet 2019 à 11h, salle Lliboutry, bât. de Glaciologie

Abstract :
The talk will present the integrated data-driven modeling system that we are developing to study and understand the physical and biological variability of the Red Sea. I will first describe the modeling system and summarize our key findings on the Red Sea general circulation, including the striking seasonally overturning circulation, the dominant eddy activity, the occasional northern deep water formation events, and discuss their impact on the Red Sea ecosystem. I will then focus on describing our efforts to equip this system with efficient ensemble data assimilation and forecasting capabilities, presenting recent algorithmic developments and results, and discussing our future plans.

By Ibrahim Hoteit
Associate Professor, Earth Science and Engineering
Physical Science and Engineering Division
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Séminaire animé par Pierre Brasseur