Oceanic Waves in the Climate System

Séminaire de Baylor FOX-KEMPER, mercredi 3 juillet à 14h, salle Lliboutry, bât. de Glaciologie

Abstract :
Surface gravity waves are small (1-100m) and fast (1-10s), so they often are neglected in traditional climate modeling where the emphasis is on slower, larger-scale motions. However, it has recently become clear that these waves energize boundary layer turbulence and entrainment, which in turn affect the climate system. Additionally, direct interactions between these waves and mesoscale and sub-mesoscale fronts, filaments, and instabilities have been theorized recently and quantified in Large Eddy Simulation models. One challenge to this project has been the incorporation of wave models into climate and ocean models and their associated costs, but progress with statistical wave models shows that for many of these purposes a good estimate can be had even without a full wave model. Interactions of waves and sea ice is a new direction in the field, and of uncertain but large impact. This talk will present our group’s latest quantification and understanding of these interactions and describe their incorporation into climate modeling.

Baylor Fox-Kemper is Associate Professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences,
at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

Séminaire animé par Thierry Penduff