Debris, or not debris, that is the question

Séminaire de J. Shea, Lundi 26/02/2018 à 11h en salle Lliboutry, Bât. de Glaciologie

Title : “Debris, or not debris, that is the question”

Abstract : Debris-covered glaciers occur in steep mountain regions with high rates of glacier mass turnover. Rock and debris accumulated in the lower regions of these glaciers insulates the ice beneath from melt, and these large glacier tongues represent a potentially significant and long-term source of streamflow. This talk will examine the current state of research on debris-covered glaciers, with a focus on the Himalayas.

Bio : Dr. Joseph Shea is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Geomatics at the University of Northern British Columbia, in Prince George, Canada. He is a Visiting Scientist with IGE in February-March 2018.

Séminaire animé par P. Wagnon (Eq. CYME)