
Legout, C., Freche, G., Biron, R., Esteves, M., Navratil, N., Nord, G., Uber, M., Grangeon, G., Hachgenei, N., Boudevillain, B., Voiron, C., Spadini, L. : A critical zone observatory dedicated to suspended sediment transport : the meso-scale Galabre catchment (southern French Alps), Hydrological Processes / Authorea, 2021.

Delrieu, G., Khanal, A. K., Yu, N., Cazenave, F., Boudevillain, B., Gaussiat, N. : Preliminary investigation of the relationship between differential phase shift and path-integrated attenuation at the X band frequency in an Alpine environment. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13 (7), 3731-3749, 2020.

Braud, I., Chaffard, V., Coussot, C., Galle, S., Juen, P., and co-authors : Building the Information System of the French Critical Zone Observatories network : Theia/OZCAR-IS. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 19p, 2020.

Lutoff, C., Creutin, J.-D., Durand, S., Ruin, I., Anquetin, S., Boudevillain, B. : Interdisciplinary Travel in "Mobility in the Face of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events 2" (ISTE), 1-25, 2020.

Lutoff, C., Boudevillain, B., Creutin, J.-D., Chardonnel, S. : Adaptation Paces – Physical Cursors for Action Analysis in "Mobility in the Face of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events 2" (ISTE), 177-204, 2020.

Derin, D., Anagnostou, E., Berne, B., Borga, M., Boudevillain, B., Buytaert, W., Chang, C.H., Chen, H., Delrieu, G., Hsu, H.C., Lavado-Casimiro, W., Manz, B., Moges, S., Nikolopoulos, E., Sahlu, D., Salerno, F., Rodríguez-Sánchez, J.P., Vergara, H., Yilmaz, K. : Evaluation of GPM-era Global Satellite Precipitation Products over Multiple Complex Terrain Regions. Remote Sensing, 11(24), 2936, 2019.

Khanal, A.K., Delrieu, G., Cazenave, F., Boudevillain, B. : Radar Remote Sensing of Precipitation in High Mountains : Detection and Characterization of Melting Layer in the Grenoble valley, French Alps. Atmosphere, 10(12), 784, 2019.

Durán-Alarcón, C., Boudevillain, B., Genthon, C., Grazioli, J., Souverijns, N., Van Lipzig, N.P.M., Gorodetskaya, I., Berne, A. : Vertical structure of precipitation at two stations in East Antarctica using micro rain radars. The Cryosphere, 2019.

Payrastre, P., Gaume, E., Javelle, P., Janet, B., Fourmigué, P., Lefort, P., Martin, A., Boudevillain, B., Brunet, P., Delrieu, G., Marchi, L., Aubert, Y., Dautrey, E., Durand, L., Lang, M., Boissier, L., Douvinet, J., Martin, C., et l’équipe « enquêtes post-événements » d’HyMeX : Analyse hydrologique de la crue-éclair catastrophique du 15 juin 2010 dans la région de Draguignan (VAR, France). La Houille Blanche (3-4) 140-148, 2019.

Ducrocq, V., Boudevillain, B., Bouvier, C., Braud, I., Fourrie, N., Lebeaupin-Brossier, C., Javelle, P., Nuissier, O., Payrastre, O., Roux, H., Ruin, I., Vincendon, B. : Le programme HyMeX - Connaissances et prévision des pluies intenses et crues rapides en region mediterranéenne. La Houille Blanche (3-4) 5-12, 2019.

Souverijns, N., Gossart, A., Lhermitte, S., Gorodetskaya, I.V., Mech, M., Crewell, S., Grazioli, J., Berne, A., Durán-Alarcón, C., Boudevillain, B., Genthon, C., Scarchilli, C., van Lipzig, N.P.M. : Evaluation of the CloudSat surface snowfall product over Antarctica using ground-based precipitation radars. The Cryosphere, 12, 3775–3789, 2018.

Amponsah, W., Borga, M., Zoccatelli, D., Gaume, E., Lebouc, L., Payrastre, O., Braud, I., Nord, N., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Didon-Lescot, J.F., Ayral, P.A., Brunet, P., Bouvier, C., Marra, F., Morin, E., Marchi, L. : Integrated high-resolution dataset of high-intensity Euro-Mediterranean flash floods. Earth System Science Data, 10, 1783–1794, 2018.

Genthon, C., Berne, A., Grazioli, J., Durán-Alarcón, C., Praz, C, Boudevillain, B. : Precipitation at Dumont d’Urville, Adélie Land, East Antarctica : the APRES3 dataset. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10 (3), 2018.

Gaillardet, J., Braud, I.,Hankard, F., and co-authors : OZCAR : the French network of Critical Zone Observatories. Vadose journal, 17(1),2018.

Taufour, M., Vié, B., Augros, C., Pinty, J.P., Delanoë, J., Boudevillain, B., Delautier, G., Lac, C., Ducrocq, V., Schwarzenböck, A., Wobrock, W. : Evaluation of the two-moment scheme LIMA based on microphysical observations from the HyMeX campaign. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 144 (714), 1398-1414, 2018.

Hachani, S., Boudevillain, B., Delrieu, G., Bargaoui, Z. : Drop Size Distribution climatology in Cévennes-Vivarais region, France. Atmos., 8, 233, 2017.

Grazioli, J., Genthon, C., Boudevillain, B., Durán-Alarcón, C., Del Guasta, M., Madeleine, J.B., Berne, B. : Measurements of precipitation in Dumont d’Urville, Terre Adélie, East Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 11, 1797–1811, 2017.

Nord, G., Boudevillain, B., Berne, A. ; Branger, F. ; Braud, I. ; Dramais, G. ; Gérard, S. ; Le Coz, J. ; Legoût, C. ; Molinié, G. ; Van Baelen, J. ; Vandervaere, J.-P. ; Andrieu, J. ; Aubert, C. ; Calianno, M. ; Delrieu, G. ; Grazioli, J. ; Hachani, S. ; Horner, I. ; Huza, J. ; Le Boursicaud, R. ; Raupach, T.H. ; Teuling, A.J. ; Uber, M. ; Vincendon, B. ; Wijbrans, A. : A high space–time resolution dataset linking meteorological forcing and hydro-sedimentary response in a mesoscale Mediterranean catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche region, France. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 221–249, 2017.

Delrieu, G., Ruin, I., Gaume, E., Borga, M., Anquetin, S., Boudevillain, B., Creutin, J.D., Lutoff, C., Marchi, L., Payrastre, O. : Inter-disciplinary post-event surveys to untangle hazard and vulnerability in the impacts of flash-flood events in the Mediterranean. In "The Mediterranean Region under Climate Change. A Scientific Update", IRD éditions, 2016.

Boudevillain, B., Delrieu, G., Wijbrans, A., Confoland, A. : A high-resolution rainfall re-analysis based on radar-raingauge merging in the Cévennes-Vivarais region, France. J. Hydrol., 541, 14-23, 2016.

Derin, Y. ; Anagnostou, E. ; Berne, A. ; Borga, M. ; Boudevillain, B. ; Buytaert, W. ; Chang, C.H. ; Delrieu, G. ; Hong, Y. ; Hsu, Y.C. ; Lavado-Casimiro, W. ; Manz, B. ; Moges, S. ; Nikolopoulos, E.I. ; Sahlu, D. ; Salerno, F. ; Rodriguez-Sanchez, J.P. ; Vergara, H.J. ; Yilmaz, K.K. : Multi-regional Satellite Precipitation Products Evaluation over Complex Terrain. J. Hydrometeor., 17, 1817-1836, 2016.

Zwiebel, J., Van Baelen, J., Anquetin, S., Pointin, Y., Boudevillain, B. : Impacts of orography and rain intensity on rainfall structure. The case of the HyMeX IOP7a event.Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 142(S1), 310–319, 2016.

Bousquet, O. ; Berne, A. ; Delanoe, J. ; Dufournet, Y. ; Gourley, J.J. ; Van-Baelen, J. ; Augros, C. ; Besson, L. ; Boudevillain, B. ; Caumont, O. ; Defer, E. ; Grazioli, J. ; Jorgensen, D.J. ; Kirstetter, P.E. ; Ribaud, J.F. ; Beck, J. ; Delrieu, G. ; Ducrocq, V. ; Scipion, D. ; Schwarzenboeck, A. ; Zwiebel, J. : Multifrequency radar observations collected in southern France during HyMeX-SOP1. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., , 2015.

Braud, I. ; Ayral, P.A. ; Bouvier, C. ; Branger, F. ; Delrieu, G. ; Le Coz, J. ; Nord, G. ; Vandervaere, J.P. ; Anquetin, S. ; Adamovic, M. ; Andrieu, J. ; Batiot, C. ; Boudevillain, B. ; Brunet, P. ; Carreau, J. ; Confoland, A. ; Didon-Lescot, J.F. ; Domergue, J.M. ; Douvinet, J. ; Dramais, G. ; Freydier, R. ; Gerard, S. ; Huza, J. ; Leblois, E. ; Le Bourgeois, O. ; Le Boursicaud, R. ; Marchand, P. ; Martin, P. ; Nottale, L. ; Patris, N. ; Renard, B. ; Seidel, J.L. ; Taupin, J.D. ; Vannier, O. ; Vincendon, B. ; Wijbrans, A. : Multi-scale hydrometeorological observation and modelling for flash-flood understanding. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18, 3733-3761, 2014.

Ducrocq, V. ; Braud, I. ; Davolio, S. ; Ferretti, R. ; Flamant, C. ; Jansa, A. ; Kalthoff, N. ; Richard, E. ; Taupier-Letage, I. ; Ayral, P.A. ; Belamari, S. ; Berne, A. ; Borga, M. ; Boudevillain, B. ; Bock, O. ; Boichard, J.L. ; Bouin, M.N. ; Bousquet, O. ; Bouvier, C. ; Chiggiato, J. ; Cimini, D. ; Corsmeier, U. ; Coppola, L. ; Cocquerez, P. ; Defer, E. ; Delanoe, J. ; Di Girolamo, P. ; Doerenbecher, A. ; Drobinski, P. ; Dufournet, Y. ; Fourrie, N. ; Gourley, J.J. ; Labatut, L. ; Lambert, D. ; Le Coz, J. ; Marzano, F.S. ; Molinie, G. ; Montani, A. ; Nord, G. ; Nuret, M. ; Ramage, K. ; Rison, W. ; Roussot, O. ; Said, F. ; Schwarzenboeck, A. ; Testor, P. ; Van Baelen, J. ; Vincendon, B. ; Aran, M. ; Tamayo, J. : HyMeX-SOP1, the field campaign dedicated to heavy precipitation and flash flooding in the northwestern Mediterranean. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95, 1083–1100, 2014.

Delrieu, G., Wijbrans, A., Boudevillain, B., Faure D., Bonnifait L., Kirstetter, P.E. : Geostatistical radar-raingauge merging : a novel method for the quantification of rain estimation accuracy. Adv. Water Resour., 71, 110-124, 2014.

Yu, N., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Hazenberg, P., Uijlenhoet, R. : Unified formulation of single and multi-moment normalizations of the raindrop size distribution based on the gamma probability density function. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 53(1), 166-179, 2014.

Ruin, I., Lutoff, C., Boudevillain, B., Anquetin, S., Laurent Boissier, Bonnifait L., Borga, M., Ludvina Colbeau-Justin, Laurence Creton-Cazanave, Creutin, J.D., Delrieu, G., Johnny Douvinnet, Gaume, E., Eve Gruntfest, Camille Lannes, Gilles Molinie, Olivier Payrastre, Olivier Vannier : Social and hydrological responses to extreme precipitations : An interdisciplinary
strategy for post-flood investigation
. Wea., Clim. and Soc., 6, 135-153, 2014.

Delrieu, G., Bonnifait L., Kirstetter, P.E., Boudevillain, B. : Dependence of radar quantitative precipitation estimation error on the rain intensity in the Cévennes region, France. Hydrol. Sci. J., 59 (7), 1–12, 2014.

Kirstetter, P.E., Andrieu, H., Boudevillain, B., Delrieu, G. : A Physically Based Identification of Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity from Volume Scan Radar Data. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 52, 1645–1663, 2013.

Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Wijbrans, A., Faure D., Bonnifait L., Kirstetter, P.E., Confoland, A. : Prototype de ré-analyses pluviométriques pour la région Cévennes-Vivarais. La Météorologie, 83, 35-41, 2013.

Ducrocq, V., Belamari, S., Boudevillain, B., Bousquet, O., Cocquerez, P., Doerenbecher, A., Drobinski, P., Flamant, C., Labatut, L., Lambert, D., Nuret, M., Richard, E., Roussot, O., Testor, P., Arbogast, P., Ayral, P.-A., Van Baelen, J., Basdevant, C., Boichard, J.L., Bourras, D., Bouvier, C., Bouin, M.N., Bock, O., Braud, I., Champollion, C., Coppola, L., Coquillat, S., Defer, E., Delanoe, J., Delrieu, G., Didon-Lescot, J.F., Durand, P., Estournel, C., Fourrié, N., Garrouste, O., Giordani, H., Le Coz, J., Michel, Y., Nuissier, O., Roberts, G., Said, F., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Taupier-Letage, I., Vandervaere, J.P. : HyMeX, les campagnes de mesures : focus sur les événements extrêmes en Méditerranée. La Météorologie, 80, 37-47, 2013.

Drobinski, P., Ducrocq, V., Arbogast, P., Basdevant, C., Bastin, S., Beguery, L., Belamari, S., Béranger, K., Bock, O., Bouin, M.N., Boudevillain, B., Bousquet, O., Bouvier, C., Braud, I., Calvet, J.C., Champollion, C., Chanzy, A., Claude, M., Cocquerez, P., Coppola, L., Coquillat, S., Courault, D., Defer, E., Delanoë, J., Delrieu, G., Doerenbecher, A., Dorfliger, A., Estèves, M., Estournel, C., Flamant, C., Fourrié, N., Garrouste, O., Gaume, E., Giordani, H., Gomes, L., Roberts, G., Jourde, H., Labatut, L., Lambert, D., Le Coz, J., Ludwig, W., Lutoff, C., Mahfouf, J.-F., Martin, E., Mastrorillo, L., Mathys, N., Michel, Y., Nuret, M., Orain, F., Perez, S., Prigent, C., Radakovitch, O., Ramage, K., Richard, E., Roujeau, J.L., Roussot, O., Ruin, I., Saïd, F., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Somot, S., Taupier-Letage, I., Testor, P., Van Baelen, J., Vandervaere, J.P. : HyMeX, le cycle de l’eau méditerranéen à la loupe. La Météorologie, 80, 23-36, 2013.

Yu, N., Boudevillain, B., Delrieu, G., Uijlenhoet, R. : Estimation of rain kinetic energy from radar reflectivity factor and/or rain rate based on a scaling formulation of the rain drop size distribution. Water Resour. Res., 48 (W04505), 2012.

Molinié, G., Ceresetti, D., Anquetin, S., Creutin, J.D., Boudevillain, B. : Rainfall regime of a Mountainous Mediterranean Region : Statistical analysis at short time steps. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 429-448, 2012.

Boudevillain, B., Delrieu, G., Galabertier, B., Bonnifait L., Bouilloud, L., Kirstetter, P.E., Mosini, M.L. : The Cévennes-Vivarais Mediterranean Hydrometeorological Observatory Database. Water Resour. Res., 47 (W07701), 2011.

Hazenberg, P., Yu, N., Boudevillain, B., Delrieu, G., Uijlenhoet, R. : Scaling of raindrop size distributions and classification of radar reflectivity–rain rate relations in intense Mediterranean precipitation. J. Hydrol., 402, 179-192, 2011.

Kirstetter, P.E., Andrieu, H., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B. : Identification of Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity from Volumetric Radar Data using Rainfall Typing. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 49, 2167–2180, 2010.

Anquetin, S., Braud, I., Vannier, O., Viallet, P., Boudevillain, B., Creutin, J.D., Manus, C. : Sensitivity of the hydrological response to the variability of rainfall fields and soils for the Gard 2002 flash-flood event. J. Hydrol., 394, 134 - 147., 2010.

Bouilloud, L., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Kirstetter, P.E. : Radar rainfall estimation in the context of post-event analysis of flash-flood events. J. Hydrol., 394, 17-27, 2010.

Kirstetter, P.E., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Obled C. : Toward an Error Model for Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in the Cévennes-Vivarais Region, France. J. Hydrol., 394 (1-2), 28-41, 2010.

Boudevillain, B., Argence, S., Claud, C., Ducrocq, V., Joly, B., Lambert, D., Nuissier, O., Plu, M.,
Ricard, D., Arbogast, P., Berne, A., Chaboureau, J.P., Chapon, B., Crépin, F., Delrieu, G., Doerflinger, E., Funatsu, B.M., Kirstetter, P.E., Masson, F., Maynard, K., Richard, E., Sanchez, E., Terray, L., Walfpersdorf, A : Cyclogenèses et précipitations intenses en région méditerranéenne : origines et caractéristiques. La Météorologie, 66, 18-28 2009.

Bouilloud, L., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Zanon, F., Borga, M. : Radar rainfall estimation for the post-event analysis of a Slovenian flash-flood case : application of the mountain reference technique at C-band frequency. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1349-1360, 2009.

Bonnifait L., Delrieu, G., Le Lay, M., Boudevillain, B., Masson, A., Belleudy, P., Gaume, E., Saulnier, G.M. : Distributed hydrologic and hydraulic modelling with radar rainfall input : Reconstruction of the 8–9 September 2002 catastrophic flood event in the Gard region, France. Adv. Water Resour., 32, 1077-1089, 2009.

Delrieu, G., Braud, I., Berne, B., Borga, M., Boudevillain, B., Fabry, F., Freer, J., Gaume, E., Nakakita, E., Seed, A., Tabary, P., Uijlenhoet, R. : Weather Radar and Hydrology (preface). Adv. Water Resour., 32, 969-974, 2009.

Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B., Nicol, J., Chapon, B., Kirstetter, P.E., Andrieu, H., Faure D. : Bollène-2002 Experiment : Radar quantitative precipitation estimation in the Cévennes-Vivarais Region (France). J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., 48 (7), 1422-1447, 2009.

Berne, B., Delrieu, G., Boudevillain, B. : Variability of the spatial structure of intense Mediterranean precipitation. Adv. Water Resour., 32, 1031-1042, 2009.

Chapon, B., Delrieu, G., Gosset, M., Boudevillain, B. :
Variability of rain drop size distribution and its effect on the Z-R relationship : a case study for intense Mediterranean rainfall. Atmos. Res., 87, 52-65, 2008.

Delrieu, G., Kirstetter, P.E., Boudevillain, B., 2006 : Vers un modèle d’erreur pour la mesure des pluies par radar météorologique / Toward an error model for radar quantitative precipitation estimation. La Houille Blanche, N°6, pp. 27-32, 2006.

Coudert, B., Ottlé, C., Boudevillain, B., Demarty, J., Guillevic, P. : Contribution of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data in Multiobjective Calibration of a Dual Source SVAT Model. J. Hydrometeor., 7, pp. 404-420, 2006.

Boudevillain, B., Andrieu, H., Chaumerliac, N. : Evaluation of RadVil, a radar based very-short term rainfall forecasting
. J. Hydrometeor., 7, pp. 178-189, 2006.

Boudevillain, B., Andrieu, H. : 2.0.CO ;2’ target=’_blank’>—>Assessment of Vertically-Integrated Liquid (VIL) Water Content Radar Measurement. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 20, N.6, 807-819, 2003.

Boudevillain, B., Thielen, J., Andrieu, H. : Definition of the characteristics of an urban hydrological radar : Interest of the vertically integrated liquid water content. Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 25, N.10-12, pp. 1311-1316, 2000.

Thielen, J., Boudevillain, B., Andrieu, H. : A radar data based short-term rainfall prediction model for urban areas - a simulation using meso-scale meteorological modelling. J. Hydrol., 239, N.1-4, pp97-114, 2000.