About me

I am a glaciologist with several research areas including mountain glaciers processes, long term changes in relation with climate and related impacts on water resources, hydrological functioning of glacierized catchments and on biodiversity on recently deglaciated areas.

My work is mainly based on field-based and remote sensing measurements of glacier surface processes (mass and energy balances, ice flow velocities, surface area and elevation changes) through the French Service National d’Observation GLACIOCLIM and the Centre d’Expertise Scientifique Glaciers from the French National Data Center THEIA. GLACIOCLIM aims at documenting glacier evolution in different climate regions worldwide, from the high latitudes (Antarctica) to the mid-latitudes (French Alps and Pyrenees) going through the low latitudes in the tropical Andes and Himalayas. The THEIA C.E.S. Glaciers aims at developping and distributing glacier-related products (e.g., snow line altitude, surface elevation changes, surface flow velocity, ice thickness distribution) derived from satellite remote sensing observations.
I am coordinating the THEIA CES Glaciers and the GLACIOCLIM activities within the tropical Andes with local partners in Bolivia and Ecuador.

I am currently supervising 1 PhD student and 1 research assistant

Professional background
  • Since 2021 : Professor, Senior Scientist (Physicist, CNAP SCOA), at IGE, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
  • 2015 : Habilitation thesis (D.H.D.R.) in Earth Sciences with specialization in glaciology. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France. Manuscript entitled (in French) : Apports d’une approche combinant mesures in situ et télédétection optique pour le suivi des glaciers de montagne : cas des Andes tropicales et des Alpes occidentales.
  • 2009-2021 : Research Scientist (Phy-Ad, CNAP SCOA), permanent position at LGGE (now IGE), University Grenoble Alpes, France.
  • 2007-2008 : Post-doctoral position at CEAZA, University of La Serena – Chile.
  • 2006-2007 : Post-doctoral position at EDyTEM, CNRS/University of Savoie – France.
  • 2005-2006 : Teacher assistant at University Joseph Fourier Grenoble – France.
  • 2005 : Ph.D. in Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences, with specialization in glaciology and paleoclimate. University J. Fourier, IRD, Grenoble,– France. Manuscript entitled (in French) : Chronologie et interprétation paléoclimatique des fluctuations des glaciers dans les Andes de Bolivie depuis le maximum du Petit Age Glaciaire.
On-going scientific responsibilities
  • Since 2023 : CNAP SCOA : President of the Committee.
  • Since 2023 : THEIA : Member of the Scientific Council.
  • Since 2022 : OSUG : Member of the "Observation" Committee.
  • Since 2021 : OSUG : Member of the Scientific Council.
  • Since 2018 : THEIA C.E.S. Glaciers : Coordinator of the Center.
  • Since 2012 : GLACIOCLIM (Les GLACIers un Observatoire du CLIMat) : Coordinator of the observatory.
  • Since 2010 : GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space) : Coordinator of the Regional Center #33 "French Alps".
  • Since 2010 : GLACIOCLIM (Les GLACIers un Observatoire du CLIMat) : Coordinator of the Andean part of the observatory.
  • Course and tutorials in Geosciences (300 hours)
  • Course and tutorials in Glaciology (165 hours)
  • Field course/exercise in Glaciology and Glacial Geomorphology (290 hours)
  • Course and tutorials in Statistics (40 hours)
  • Course and tutorials in Remote Sensing (16 hours)